The addition of 400 offices to the structure in the Chancellery Park builds on a twofold tradition: it completes the western end of the federal ribbon in the Moabiter Werder district and it comprises a variation on the spatial and functional qualities of the office winter gardens while complying with the particularly stringent security requirements for ‘building on the perimeter’. The sheer mass of the new building is integrated as far as possible into the greenery of the small forest of robinias, strives to maintain maximum distance from the Spree area and shows every respect for the park-like green space that runs uninterrupted along the banks of the Spree. The internal structure of the new building embodies all the qualities of the existing construction, but the layout of the winter gardens varies in one key point: the row of side rooms alongside the courtyard and gardens of the existing building is upgraded to become a two-room-wide, fully used office space with winter gardens. A particular characteristic of the new building is the way it is incorporated into the public urban space. The especially stringent security requirements this entails call for the façades on the ground and first floors to be totally impermeable. To achieve this, a very detailed zoning and layering approach had to be developed for usage. Furthermore, elaborate solutions are required to compensate for the sheer length of the building – 270 metres in total: in the galleries any narrow and dark corridor is avoided. The route to individual offices, which may be long, leads past the winter gardens in full daylight via an airy balcony, as in the existing building. The new south bridge completes the system of paths on the Federal Chancellery ‘campus’ along the left and right banks of the river Spree. It is constructed according to the same two-storey principle as its sister bridge to the north.
Willy-Brandt-Strasse 1
10557 Berlin
Office building
Federal Chancellery
Federal Republic of Germany
represented by the
Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community
represented by the
Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning
Schultes Frank Architekten
Axel Schultes Charlotte Frank
Monika Weder Sören Timm
Behrens Bendik Bocchese Dietrich Eckert
Ernst Ferro R. Frank Hirsbrunner Hoffmann
Hofmann Krukowska Mamaj Mbarek Münster
Poplawska Potthast Ricordi Sparla Woo
2016 – 2028
71.000 m²
60.010 m²
reinforced concrete fair-faced concrete
Schultes Frank Architekten